Tools of Titans, Love, Life and Everything Else in Between

Tools of Titans, Love, Life and everything else in between

1. Tools of Titans
During the tech entrepreneurship conference in San Francisco, one of the McGill grads, who is now a venture capitalist in the Bay Area recommended this book. During my last two days in Montreal, before I hopped on the plane to come to Cambodia for the summer, I picked this book up at Indigo and I can tell you this: it was the best decision of my life. I have learnt much more from this book than anyone else. It's like I have 50 different mentors from all walks of life at once. Maybe I will do a review (in-dept) very soon, but as for now, I am really taking my time off. The most I'd been doing while reading is jot down notes on yellow sticky sheets.

2. Love
Well, never thought I'd put this up on my blog since I'd considered it more on the "intellectual side,"but hey, love is a part of life, might as well talk a little about it. For those of you who know me, you all realize I am a hopeful romantic. That makes it even more hard, given the rough break up I'd just gone through. My partner has moved on, for your information, to some other dude, partied around, go on with life. Me? I'm taking my time. I told her I will take the longer route. Simply put, I did not want to take the route where I'd have to rewire my way to love. I don't want to dodge being hurt by "caring less." If any, I think the world needs people to love more. I firmly believe in love. I still very much do, after all these poor relationships. Love is beautiful, something I would never give up on.

3. Life
I basically quitted my internship to take time to learn and travel some more. So far, I have headed to Thailand and Siem Reap. Very soon, we are heading to Singapore (my very first time!!!) I want to back pack Myanmar but we will see how that goes. If you want to hear something insane: I just texted a stranger (she is in a band in cambodia), asking if she'd be interested to travel with me and sh surprisingly said yes! LOL. I am catching her up very soon to discuss dates. Fingers cross things work out. If not, that's fine too. Grateful for the little things in life. That's the only way to live.

What to expect next?
As you might have realized, I have really been putting off entering blogs. That's because life has thrown some knots at me that I have to pause and untie. I'm happy to say that I am finally getting back on track now. Next, I expect to be writing blogs on my San Francisco conference, Recap on PoWE conference, entrepeneurs/founders/CEO I have met and talked to here, my recent interest/hobby in finance, review of the TOT book.

I hope you all are doing well, and best wishes! :)


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